Friday, March 30, 2012

Ask Captain Scott, such a great resource!!!

I just wanted to share this website,

I have been watching his videos for a while, but now that I am actually taking lessons I am finding his videos very beneficial to use as a post lesson review. Check him out!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Capt.
    I came across your videos after a brief search. Very interesting. You have a great 'announcer' type voice. You could do well in the NFL Films Box at a football game. I am in the middle of getting my private pilot at 69. Been a Sport Pilot since it's inception. Now training in a Cessna 172M. Having a bit of a time with it. Jumped into a J3 cub yesterday and had a ball. My instructor just retired from American Airlines in the 757's.
    I am really interested in your Private Pilot training. I'm from SOUTHERN New Jersey. Any possibilities either in an internet training package Charles.
