Friday, June 22, 2012

Just a little update

Hi everyone! Just an update, so you all know I am still alive. 

I have been back from vacation for about two weeks now, and in that two weeks I have only been able to fly once! The weather in San Diego is very overcast in June, but by July its typically cleared up. In addition to the weather working against me, the schools schedule has filled up big time! They have done some of those Groupon, and Living Social promotions, so it has been hard to get a plane. Pretty damn annoying! I also took the SDPD written exam earlier this week, in  hopes of being hired as a police officer, so that was a distraction. I am now fully focused on flying again though, and I am in the process of planning my first cross country flight, as well as studying to take the written exam...plenty of flying related things to do, even if I am not actually flying. 

Hopefully I will have a real update for you Thursday, when I take my cross country flight from KCRQ to L35.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Solo: First journey to the practice area/ first scare in the clouds

Well I am going to be in Mass on vacation next week, so I am trying to get as much flying in as I can before I leave.

Yesterday I took the plane and headed out to the practice area for the first time solo. It was pretty nerve racking. I spent the entire time scanning for other traffic, and only did two maneuvers before heading back. It feels good to know that I can leave the airport, and re-enter the traffic pattern alone...but I definitely need to get more familiar with the area.

Today I took the plane in hopes of getting at least 5 landings in the logbook. The haze from the marine layer was pretty bad off the departing end of the runway, and I actually lost my orientation when on my crosswind leg. I decided it was too sketchy for me and made my second landing a full stop. I was hoping to get some landing practice, but I am actually kind of happy that I had a scare in the clouds.

Well I only racked up 1.3 hours in the last two days, but that's better than nothing...especially considering I logged them while on my lunch break from work. I spent $117 to get those hours, and now I am off on vacation. I wish I could log the 6 hours from this Jet Blue flight I am about to take...wouldn't that be nice?