Friday, June 1, 2012

Solo: First journey to the practice area/ first scare in the clouds

Well I am going to be in Mass on vacation next week, so I am trying to get as much flying in as I can before I leave.

Yesterday I took the plane and headed out to the practice area for the first time solo. It was pretty nerve racking. I spent the entire time scanning for other traffic, and only did two maneuvers before heading back. It feels good to know that I can leave the airport, and re-enter the traffic pattern alone...but I definitely need to get more familiar with the area.

Today I took the plane in hopes of getting at least 5 landings in the logbook. The haze from the marine layer was pretty bad off the departing end of the runway, and I actually lost my orientation when on my crosswind leg. I decided it was too sketchy for me and made my second landing a full stop. I was hoping to get some landing practice, but I am actually kind of happy that I had a scare in the clouds.

Well I only racked up 1.3 hours in the last two days, but that's better than nothing...especially considering I logged them while on my lunch break from work. I spent $117 to get those hours, and now I am off on vacation. I wish I could log the 6 hours from this Jet Blue flight I am about to take...wouldn't that be nice?

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