Friday, January 13, 2012

What better time then now?

One of my biggest concerns in life is that I am going to grow old and regret not doing more with my life. It is this fear that has lead me to some great experiences, from learning to kick box and fighting in a sanctioned bout, to moving to San Diego and driving across country...twice! Since moving to San Diego, buying a condo and getting engaged it seems this fear has taken a back seat, maybe because I feel this whole San Diego experience is big enough that I could take a break from living life to the fullest. That has been the case for a while now, a year at least, where my weekly routine is more or less identical to the week before: work, gym, surf, repeat. Not a bad routine to be stuck in, but still...a routine.

The fire to have new experiences I once had returned this week after a phone call with my father. We have had this conversation before but for some reason it stuck with me this time around. I had mentioned how it would be cool to learn to fly, like I had mentioned in past conversations, and he replied saying he always wanted to learn as well, like he had in past conversations. It was then that I realized that my old man would never learn to fly, and that neither would I unless I just went for it. Fact is, learning to fly is a lot of money, but is it money well spent? I think so. When I am an old man, looking through the family photo album and I come across the photos of me flying a plane, I don't think I will regret spending the $8000.

So...I guess its time to just go for it?

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