Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lesson 14: Ground reference maneuvers, hood flying

Well I should be flying solo more, but its very difficult with my work schedule. Up until this point I had reserved a plane and instructor from 4:30-6:30 and flew after work. The problem I am facing now is that the school closes at 5:00, so if I don't have an instructor with me than no one is at the school...thus, I cant fly that late. With this predicament I decided just to book another lesson with Kam...its not solo time, but its better than not flying at all.

The lesson was real quick. I did some flying under the hood, and then some ground reference maneuvers. It felt like ages since I had last had to do these maneuvers, but somehow, against all odds, I managed to nail them.

And just like that the lesson was over, 1.0 on the hobbs. Kam wants me to go fly solo a few times before we have another lesson. I guess I will have to try to sneak out of work at lunch, or maybe leave an hour early to get some flying time in before I have to leave on my vacation back to Boston in June. Wish me luck.

P.S. Sorry if the blog is getting boring, the lessons at the moment are just about repetition, review, and building confidence. Once I get past this stage its on to some night flying, and cross countries...then I will have something to write about!

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