Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lesson 11: Solo!

Well today was the I soloed!

The day started with my preflight inspection. The plane had just come back from its 100 hour maintenance and it had a new propeller, new tires, new brakes and rotors...sweet!

The winds were calm today, and there wasn't a lot of traffic in the area...the only thing I had going against me was some overcast off the departing end of the runway. All in all the conditions were good.

I did three takeoffs and landings with my instructor before he asked me how I felt about soloing the plane right now...this time I said I was ready. We pulled over to the transient parking, he endorsed my logbook and my student certificate, and told me to make three full stop landings, and then meet him back at the flight school.

Upon taking off, I noticed that the airplane really wanted to climb! I had to keep the airplane from climbing too steep by pressing forward on the controls...I thought about adjusting the trim, but I had it right where I wanted it for my glide speed when landing. I had to make my crosswind turn earlier than normal in order to stay out of the overcast. The visibility on departure and crosswind was pretty bad, and a little nerve wracking...but once I turned downwind it was clear skies. On my first approach I was way too high, I considered a go around, but decided against it since I had plenty of runway. I probably landed just after the first 1/3 of the runway...not how I wanted my first solo landing to go. While taxing off the runway I put my flaps up, and then discovered I never turned the carb heat on. Whoops! I told myself I couldn't make that mistake again!

My second landing was similar to my first, although this time I remembered my carb heat. I tried to make sure I didn't turn base so soon, but somehow I still ended up high, with a short final. There was traffic on my third landing, and I was forced to extend my downwind, this was probably a good thing since I was coming in high and short on my other landings. My approach looked good until I got about 20-30 feet from my runway and realized I needed power if I was going to make it. I added a little power, and had a pretty decent landing...except for one thing...CARB HEAT! I forgot to turn it on again. I was so mad at myself for making the same mistake, and not following the check list. I was so focused on the checklist while on the ground, but once I got in the air, and things were happening I totally forgot about it!

With my final landing complete, I taxied back to the flight school where I was greeted by my instructor and a pair of scissors. He shook my hand, and clipped a good chunk of my shirt off...then, out of nowhere, the school's office guy came out with a bucket of water and dumped it on my old Navy tradition I guess? (former school owner was in the Navy). My CFI and I took a picture in front of the plane, and then we signed, and dated my patch of shirt...both will be hanging on the schools wall along with everyone else they have soloed. What a great moment!

Today's lesson was 1.4 hours, for a total of $189.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! That is so fantastic!!!

    lol about carb heat. I always forget to pull it when I'm descending to pattern altitude and then I forget to push it back in around the pattern until it's time to pull it on downwind and I notice it's already on. :)
