Monday, May 21, 2012

Lesson 13: VOR navigation

It seems like all i have been doing lately is flying in the pattern, and practicing takeoffs and landings, so it was nice to get away from the airport and head to the practice area for some review. We reviewed steep turns, and some stalls. It seems like its been forever since I last did these maneuvers.

After some review, Kam taught me how to use VOR to navigate. It was actually a great day to use it too, since the sky was very hazy, and visibility was not too good. I found the explanation on how to use the VOR a little confusing, but once you actually go through the process, its quite simple. We followed the VOR to the coast, and then called the tower for permission to enter back into class D airspace. Kam landed the airplane, since there was a pretty large jet on our tail.

For my next time out, Kam wants me to take the plane to the practice area solo, but I think I will have Kam show me one more time how to get there properly, since I am a little unsure about what altitudes I should be at when practicing maneuvers out there. Kam also wants me to get the written test out of the way as soon as possible. I have been trying to read along according to the Jeppesen syllabus to prepare myself for this, but I still feel completely unprepared. I guess for the next couple of weeks I will be watching my Sporty's DVD until my eyes bleed, and taking online practice tests. In addition to flying, I have been studying for the police officers exam, which I will be taking in June. There is a lot of information going into this head, but I am not sure how much is actually sticking.

I have friends from out of town staying with me this Memorial day weekend, and then I am flying back to Boston the week after, so I am going to have to try and squeeze in some flying wherever I can these next two weeks...cant let myself get rusty now!

Today's lesson was 1.3 hours on the hobbs, and 1.4 ours of instruction...a total of $180.

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