Thursday, May 17, 2012

Solo: I think the tower is messing with me?

So today was my first day entirely on my own. It was such a weird feeling getting into that plane, and not having someone next to me while I checked the ATIS, or did my runup...but it was nice too...I felt comfortable.

The plan today was to practice my landings. I have the flair down pretty well, but my approaches are all over the place...very frustrating! When I asked tower for permission to takeoff, I added that I was a student pilot...I am not sure if this helped me or hurt me, and you'll see why.

I only made 4 landings today, and in these 4 landings the tower made me:

  • Extend downwind to follow traffic twice
  • Extend my departure leg
  • Fly a left traffic pattern twice (at a right pattern airport)
  • Perform a go around to allow a helicopter to land
So, the question is...did the tower do this to mess with me because I am a student? I doubt it, but it was definitely odd. I am glad it happened though, because it was great practice. Now I have no what ifs to worry about for the next time I solo in the traffic pattern, because I have just about done it all now. Oh, and my approaches are starting to click. I made the point to focus outside the airplane more, and not so much at the instruments...this made my landings much easier, and more consistent. It was a great day!

I only got to spend 0.8 hours in the airplane, which cost me $72...much more affordable then my typical lessons with an instructor. I think I am going to like this!

And with that, the first page of my logbook is filled out

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